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M'hanne ditte ca mi ja stè calme, picchè a lu Cule Pizzite Pippine Forte nin ngi vo fa né lu Campisande, né lu Spedale. Lu Campisande li vo fè a la Ngurnate, lu Spedale a via del Porto, prime di Micchele lu cafaune. Ma ddu cose vujje dice jè. Si nin ci stà manghe na nichella cavutete, dàtejje n'aggiustate a lu Spedale vicchie, ca ci facete chiù una bella fighire! Doppe vujje dice che Za Marè tè sette spérete gnè la hatte e subbite ha capite piccà anne arrete Tagliente ha 'ccattate chi la terre a lu Cule Pizzite gnhi chi tutte la belle jrvitelle. Avè già priveste che 'j puteve sirvè pi ci fa j a pasce... ''Er pecora''! English version They told me that I must be very calm, as in Colle Pizzuto Peppino Forte will not build either the Cemetery or the Hospital. The Cemetery is planned to go near Incoronata, the Hospital in via del Porto, just before Mike the Farmer. But I want to say two things. As we are penniless, it is better if you restore the old Hospital, you cut a nice figure, people will be happier! Moreover I want to tell you that Za Marè has got ''seven spirits as a cat'' and has immediately understood why years ago Mr. Tagliente bought the lands in Colle Pizzuto with all that nice grass. He had already foreseen that he could use it to pasture ... ''er Pecora''!
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